Logrotate vs Cronolog

October 12, 2021


Managing logs for an application can be challenging, especially when the logs start to accumulate, and the disk space starts running out. You need a log management tool that will help you keep track of everything while making sure that your disk space is used efficiently. Two popular tools that are commonly used for log management are Logrotate and Cronolog.

In this article, we will compare these two tools and help you decide which one is better for your log management needs.

What is Logrotate?

Logrotate is a utility designed to manage and rotate log files for your application. The tool analyzes your logs, compresses them, and deletes the old files to make room for new ones. It can also send notification emails, configure retention policies and enables customization through configuration files.

What is Cronolog?

Cronolog is a simple tool that was created to help users manage their log files by redirecting output into different files based on date and time. It creates a new log file based on a specified interval, e.g. hourly, daily, weekly. It helps to organize logs by creating separate log files per specified period and compresses the files as well. It also can configure filters to remove unneeded logs and enables customization as well through configuration files.


Feature Logrotate Cronolog
Configuration Configuration via files Configuration via command-line
Rotation scheduling Time-based or condition-based Time-based
Compression Yes Yes
Filtering Yes Yes
Notification Yes No
Customization Yes Yes

Configuration and Scheduling

Logrotate requires configuration through files, as compared to Cronolog, which supports configuration via command-line. Logrotate scheduling is more flexible, as it can rotate logs based on time or on condition, like log file size, while cronolog rotates logs based on time.

Compression and Filtering

Both tools have the capability to compress and filter the logs that are being rotated. This helps to save disk space while making it easier to analyze the logs.

Notification and Customization

Logrotate has the edge over Cronolog when it comes to notification and customization. Logrotate can send email notifications when it rotates logs and can be further customized through configuration files.


Logrotate and Cronolog are both fantastic log management tools, but choosing the right tool depends on your specific needs. If your logging is simple and basic, then Cronolog is a good option. However, if you need more advanced functionality like compression, filters, customization, and notification, then Logrotate is the right tool for you.

We hope this comparison has been helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.


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